The Project

Thursday, July 10, 2008

This piece was the final exercise for project 3 Desn101, we each received an A3 piece of paper which all had different 2D or 3D objects on it. We had to decide how we would edit this object using it's vanishing points. Once I had finished creating my 3D form I gridded the whole piece to about 3-4mm in size and transferred colors which I had chosen for my earlier pieces. I think it was successful because I felt accomplished from completing such a large piece which also took quite a long time. I liked this piece out of my other projects because it looks interesting and even though it was quite difficult trying to paint the colors at the same tone it was fun and was happy with the outcome of the work.


Unknown said...

Wow, your blog is looking good :) I like the layout. Some spelling and grammar errors though(but don't mind me, I'm pedantic about these things >.<).

noone said...

Your blog layout is awesome.
Nice water colour too, i wish mine was half as good..=]

Dandylion said...

Nice. Really like your wallpaper (or whatever it's called!), + you added crookedbrains to your blog too!

Very nice blog :)

Xanthe said...

WOW!!! Your blog looks soo cool!!! You should totally help me out with the crazy html formatting that isn't actually html :P
Your water coloured picture turned out wicked! Making the squares that small really worked out.

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